Clusters, Specs, and Composition

What if you want multiple machines? One way is just to repeat the - type: block, but there’s another way which will keep your powder DRY:

name: cluster-vm
- type:
    cluster.initial.size: 5
        name: VM
          minRam: 8g
          minCores: 4
          minDisk: 100g

Here we’ve composed the previous blueprint introducing some new important concepts, the DynamicCluster the $brooklyn DSL, and the “entity-spec”. Let’s unpack these.

Dynamic Cluster

The DynamicCluster creates a set of homogeneous instances. At design-time, you specify an initial size and the specification for the entity it should create. At runtime you can restart and stop these instances as a group (on the DynamicCluster) or refer to them individually. You can resize the cluster, attach enrichers which aggregate sensors across the cluster, and attach policies which, for example, replace failed members or resize the cluster dynamically.

The specification is defined in the dynamiccluster.memberspec key. As you can see it looks very much like the previous blueprint, with one extra line. Entries in the blueprint which start with $brooklyn: refer to the AMP DSL and allow a small amount of logic to be embedded (if there’s a lot of logic, it’s recommended to write a blueprint YAML plugin or write the blueprint itself as a plugin, in Java or a JVM-supported language).

In this case we want to indicate that the parameter to dynamiccluster.memberspec is an entity specification (EntitySpec in the underlying type system); the entitySpec DSL command will do this for us. The example above thus gives us 5 VMs identical to the one we created in the previous section.


The following configuration keys can be specified for dynamic cluster:

Config Key Default Description
dynamiccluster.restartMode   How this cluster should handle restarts; by default it is disallowed, but this key can specify a different mode. Modes supported by dynamic cluster are ‘off’, ‘sequential’, or ‘parallel’. However subclasses can define their own modes or may ignore this.
dynamiccluster.quarantineFailedEntities true If true, will quarantine entities that fail to start; if false, will get rid of them (i.e. delete them)
dynamiccluster.quarantineFilter   Quarantine the failed nodes that pass this filter (given the exception thrown by the node). Default is those that did not fail with NoMachinesAvailableException (Config ignored if quarantineFailedEntities is false)
cluster.initial.quorumSize -1 Initial cluster quorum size - number of initial nodes that must have been successfully started to report success (if < 0, then use value of INITIAL_SIZE)
dynamiccluster.memberspec   Entity spec for creating new cluster members
dynamiccluster.firstmemberspec   Entity spec for creating the first member of the cluster (if unset, will use the member spec for all)
dynamiccluster.removalstrategy   strategy for deciding what to remove when down-sizing
dynamiccluster.customChildFlags   Additional flags to be passed to children when they are being created false Whether to use availability zones, or just deploy everything into the generic location   Zone failure detector BalancingNodePlacementStrategy Node placement strategy
dynamiccluster.availabilityZones   availability zones to use (if non-null, overrides other configuration)
dynamiccluster.numAvailabilityZones   number of availability zones to use (will attempt to auto-discover this number)   The unique ID number (sequential) of a member of a cluster
cluster.initial.size 1 Initial cluster size
start.timeout   Time to wait (after members’ start() effectors return) for SERVICE_UP before failing (default is not to wait)
cluster.max.size 2147483647 Size after which it will throw InsufficientCapacityException
dynamiccluster.maxConcurrentChildCommands 0 Beta The maximum number of effector invocations that will be made on children at once (e.g. start, stop, restart). Any value null or less than or equal to zero means invocations are unbounded
UP_QUORUM_CHECK QuorumChecks.atLeastOne() Up check, applied by default to members, requiring at least one present and up
RUNNING_QUORUM_CHECK QuorumChecks.all() Problems check from children actual states (lifecycle), applied by default to members and children, not checking upness, but requiring by default that none are on-fire


Dynamic cluster has a set of effectors which allow its members to be manipulated, these are detailed below.

Effector Name Parameters Description
replaceMember memberId Replaces a specific member of the cluster given its ID
resize desiredSize Resizes the cluster to a desiredSize
resizeByDelta delta Resizes the cluster by a delta

Note that resizing of a cluster is limited by cluster.max.size and 0.

When increasing the size of a cluster to larger than the cluster.max.size, if there is any headroom between the cluster and cluster.max.size, the resize call will resize the cluster to cluster.max.size. Any calls to increase the size of the cluster when it is already at cluster.max.size will result in an InsufficientCapacityException. Note that the new size of the cluster is returned by the resize effector calls.


A set of sensors are defined for dynamic cluster to feed back information on its status. These are:

Sensor Name Description
group.members Members of the group
dynamiccluster.entityQuarantined Entity failed to start, and has been quarantined
dynamiccluster.quarantineGroup Group of quarantined entities that failed to start
dynamiccluster.subLocations Locations for each availability zone to use
dynamiccluster.failedSubLocations Sub locations that seem to have failed
cluster.one_and_all.members.up True if the cluster is running, there is at least one member, and all members are service.isUp


Dynamic cluster has a set of policies which can auto-replace and resize the members as well as determine primary nodes and other higher level actions. These policies are detailed on the clusters and policies page.