Deploying Blueprints

Blueprints are descriptors or patterns which describe how Cloudsoft AMP should deploy applications. Blueprints are written in YAML and many of the entities available are defined in the default AMP catalog.

Launching from a Blueprint

We’ll start by deploying an application with a simple YAML blueprint containing an Apache Tomcat server.

Note that multiple languages are available for blueprinting. The buttons below allow you to switch between the blueprinting language used throughout the instructions.

Copy the blueprint below into a text file myapp.yaml in your workspace. (Note, to copy the file you can hover your mouse over the right side of the text box below to get a Javascript “copy” button.)

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_3

  template_name: Tomcat
  template_version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

      type: tosca-tomcat9-node
          file: classpath://io.cloudsoft.brooklyn.tosca13.tosca-3-tier:resources/tosca-hello-world-sql-webapp.war

Copy the blueprint below into a text file myapp.yaml in your workspace. (Note, to copy the file you can hover your mouse over the right side of the text box below to get a Javascript “copy” button.)

name: Tomcat
version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat.TomcatServer
  name: tomcatServer
location: # replace this line with one of the location definitions below


Before you can create an application with this configuration, you need to specify which “location” to use. Locations in Cloudsoft AMP are target environments which AMP can use to deploy applications – these may be pre-existing servers, virtualization, cloud providers, container environments, or even cloud services.

In order to configure the location in which Cloudsoft AMP launches an application, the location must be added to the catalog with the ID tosca.default.location. To do this, take any of the location files defined below and embed it in a file myloc.yaml below, replacing the location: placeholder:

  id: tosca.default.location
  version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

  - id: tosca.default.location
    itemType: location
      # replace the lines below with one of the location definitions shown below;
      # ensure the indentation is kept, with an extra 6 spaces to align with the above 
      type: <location-supplier-type>

This will be added to the catalog below, just prior to deployment.

In order to configure the location in which Cloudsoft AMP launches an application, replace the location: element in the blueprint above with the definition for your chosen target environment below.

Here are some examples of the various location types:

The Vagrant configuration described in Running Cloudsoft AMP is the recommended way of setting up a Vagrant environment. This configuration comes with four basic servers configured, called byon1 to byon4.

These can be launched by entering the following command into the terminal in the vagrant configuration directory.

$ vagrant up byon1 byon2 byon3 byon4

The location in myloc.yaml can now be replaced with the following YAML to launch using these vagrant servers.

type: byon
user: vagrant
password: vagrant

The location in myapp.yaml can now be replaced with the following YAML to launch using these vagrant servers.

    user: vagrant
    password: vagrant

Cloudsoft AMP uses Apache jclouds to support a range of cloud locations/reference. More information on the range of providers and configurations is available here.

As an example, here is a configuration for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Swap the identity and credential with your AWS account details, then replace the location in your myloc.yaml with this.

type: jclouds:aws-ec2
credential: s3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3l

As an example, here is a configuration for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Swap the identity and credential with your AWS account details, then replace the location in your myapp.yaml with this.

    credential: s3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3ls3cr3tsq1rr3l

The Bring Your Own Nodes (BYON) configuration allows Cloudsoft AMP to make use of already available servers. These can be specified by a list of IP addresses with a user and password as shown below. More information including the full range of configuration options is available here.

Replace the hosts, user and password in the example below with your own server details, then replace the location in your myloc.yaml with this.

type: byon
user: myuser
password: mypassword
# or...
#privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/my.pem

Replace the hosts, user and password in the example below with your own server details, then replace the location in your myapp.yaml with this.

    user: myuser
    password: mypassword
    # or...
    #privateKeyFile: ~/.ssh/my.pem

Note: It is also possible to set up multiple locations and reference specific locations in TOSCA for different topologies (applications) and even different locations for different nodes within the same topology. See the TOSCA guide for more information.

Note: For instructions on setting up a variety of locations/reference, storing credentials and other configuration separately to the blueprint, see Locations in the Operations section of the User Guide.

Deploying the Application

First, log in to AMP with the command line interface (CLI) tool by typing:

$ br login http://localhost:8081/

To secure the Cloudsoft AMP instance, you can add a username and password to AMP’s properties file, as described in the User Guide here. If this is configured, the login command will require an additional parameter for the userid and will then prompt for a password.

The tosca.default.location must be added to the catalog before you can deploy a TOSCA blueprint, so that Cloudsoft AMP knows where to deploy to. To add your configured catalog location file with the command line, run:

$ br catalog add myloc.yaml

Now you can create the application with the command below:

$ br deploy myapp.yaml 
Id:       hTPAF19s   
Name:     Tomcat   
Status:   In progress  

Depending on your choice of location it may take some time for the application to start, the next page describes how you can monitor the progress of the application deployment and verify if it was successful.


Having deployed an application, the next step is monitoring and managing it.